Mitra Laser Jual Watermark DH 48 Sediment Sampler

Jalan Inpres 18 Komplek Sabar Ganda No. 11, Larangan, Tangerang
  • Rp 10.000.000
Watermark DH-48 Sediment Sampler
13 streamlined aluminum casting partially encloses a pint sample container
Sampler is supplied with one 1/4 calibrated yellow nylon nozzle

The DH-48 a lightweight sampler for collection of suspended sediment samples where wading rod suspension is used. The sampler consists of a 13 streamlined aluminum casting which partially encloses a pint sample container.

The sampler weighs 4.5 pounds including the sample container and attaches to a standard 1/2 threaded wading rod for suspending in the water. The wading rod is available in 3 foot sections. The wading sampler is supplied with one 1/4 calibrated yellow nylon nozzle.

In the sampling operation, the intake nozzle is orientated into the current and held in a horizontal position while the sample is lowered at a uniform rate from the water surface to the bottom of the stream, instantly reversed, and then raised again to the water surface at a uniform rate. The sampler continues to take its sample throughout the time of submergence.

Rickly DH-48 Depth Integrated Sediment Sampler
Two 1/4 sampler nozzles
One 1 wading rod with handle
A case of 24 one-pint sample bottles with caps, and adhesive labels

CV.MITRA LASER bergerak dalam bidang penjualan Alat Survey, Digital Instrument, GPS (Global Positioning System), Surveying Instruments, Test and Measurement, Radio Komunikasi dan Satelite Communication, Telecommunication, Peralatan Marine/Kelautan, Alat Teknik, Alat Ukur/Uji Beton, Perkakas dan Peralatan Geologi.

Office :
Jl.Inpres 18, Komplek Sabar Ganda No.11 Kel.Larangan Selatan, Kec. Larangan, Kota Tangerang 15154

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