Apple MacBook Pro 15 2020 Bilah Sentuh

175, Mall St, Parittiga, Bangka Barat
  • Rp 8.626.516
Immaculate condition, no scratches at all. The color is space gray. Touch bar Total 42 charge cycles 256 . SSD 2.6 GHz, 6 cores Intel Core i7 16gb 2400mhz ddr4 Intel UHD 630 1563 mb graphics + Radeon pro 555x 4gb. 2 cases included (the one in the photo and the black one) Boxes, receipts, it's all there.
  • Tayang Sejak 3 tahun yang lalu
  • Kategori Elektronik dan Gadget
  • Sub Kategori Komputer
  • Tipe Laptop
  • Produk Apple MacBook Pro
  • Harga Rp 8.626.516
  • Kondisi Baru
Dilihat 150 kali
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Tom Elvis
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