Mitra Laser Jual Concrete Mortar Penetrometer
Jl. Inpres 18 Komplek Sabar Ganda No. 11, Larangan, Tangerang
- Rp 10.500
CV.Mitra Laser Jual Concrete Mortar Penetrometer, Cari Concrete Mortar Penetrometer murah, Harga Concrete Mortar Penetrometer, Spesifikasi Concrete Mortar Penetrometer
Concrete mortar penetrometer
Specifications :
The apparatus consists of a spring loading device which is graduated from 1 to 100 daN, supplied complete with a set of needle points of , and 16 mm2 area.
Concrete mortar penetrometer
Specifications :
The apparatus consists of a spring loading device which is graduated from 1 to 100 daN, supplied complete with a set of needle points of , and 16 mm2 area.
- Tayang Sejak 3 tahun yang lalu
- Kategori kantor dan Industri
- Sub Kategori Peralatan Lain
- Produk Penetrometer
- Harga Rp 10.500
- Kondisi Baru
Dilihat 184 kali
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